Smoothies vs juicing - which is better for you?

One of the easiest ways to sneak more fruit and veg into your diet is to put them in a drink. But in the battle of smoothie vs juice: which is better for you?

The main difference between juicing and smoothies is the production. To make a smoothie, you blend all the whole ingredients together. The flavor possibilities are limitless. You can combine vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. And most notably, using this method, you keep all the fiber because you’re using the whole fruit and vegetable. 

 Juicing is a little different. When you press juice, it removes the fibrous material so that only a liquid is left. Juicing extracts the juice from the fruit and vegetables, separating the pulp. Because of the way you produce juices, it usually means there’s little to no fiber. So the primary difference between smoothies and juices is their fiber content. 


Before we delve into the juice or smoothie argument, we need to talk about fiber. 

Fiber is a major player in digestive health and leaves us feeling fuller for longer. Dietary fiber contains unique components crucial for supporting digestion. It keeps our digestive systems ticking along. 

 A high-fiber diet encourages soft, regular bowel movements and reduces constipation.

There are two types of fiber in fruits and vegetables: insoluble and soluble. Both are essential for health and good digestion. 

 Soluble fiber dissolves in water and turns into a gel-like substance. The gel helps to slow down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. It can also help to control cholesterol and blood sugar. 

Plus, soluble fiber feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut and helps it thrive. Our guts contain trillions of microorganisms – some good and some not so good. Healthy bacteria love to feed on fiber. So, the more fiber in your diet, the more the good bacteria in your gut can grow.  

You can find soluble fiber in the following:  

  • Oats 
  • Apples 
  • Carrots 
  • Citrus fruits 
  • Berries
  • Plums 
  • Pears
  • Sunflower seeds  

The other type of fiber is insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water or any gastrointestinal fluids. So, it mostly remains the same as it moves through the digestive tract.  

You can find insoluble fiber in foods like: 

  • Cucumber 
  • Celery 
  • Green beans 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Pineapple 
  • Kiwi  


The time has come to answer the big question: are smoothies better than juicing? 

 Smoothies have a higher content of fiber and antioxidants than juices. So, the answer is yes; smoothies do have more advantages. 

 While both beverages contain sugar – and can raise your blood sugar – the effects are a little more chaotic with juices. Because there’s little to no fiber in juices, the sugar absorbs more quickly into the bloodstream, spiking blood sugar levels. 

Although we’re team smoothies, it’s still important to eat whole fruits and veggies. Eating fresh and real foods in their most natural form gives your body plenty of great nutrients. 

But we know that life gets in the way, and you don’t always have time to make a meal from scratch. That’s why we have created a range of convenient, quick and healthy smoothies so that you can get your daily fix of nutrients without the hassle. 


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